Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa

Amazon Alexa Self-Test services

SoundCertificate is a Self-Test Lab for Alexa that is capable of doing self-test for customers.
As a Self-Test Lab for Alexa, device makers can work directly with us and utilize our labs for self-testing of their final Alexa built-in products.
Product testing is in two steps: self-test, and product submission. Self-test checklists ensure your product delivers a familiar Alexa experience to customers. During self-test, we will use a series of checklists provided by Amazon to ensure that your product meets music, functional, and user experience (UX) requirements. We will also provide self-test results in the form of Alexa Qualification Tool (AQT) reports, which you can submit to Amazon with the Certification Intake Form and the self-test checklists for the product submission step of product testing.

About Amazon Alexa

When you integrate Alexa into your AVS devices, you provide your customers with a built-in Alexa experience that enables them to control any Works with Alexa smart home device, access thousands of Alexa skills, play Flash Briefings, stream music and books, and more, just using their voice. You also become part of a growing community, and you'll reach new customers looking to access Alexa in new ways in and out of the home.

More information can be found on the AVS developer portal.

Applying for testing services at SoundCertificate

Please contact us at